Grid Monitoring for Utilities

Remotely manage, maintain and optimize utility field assets


Tap into the power of existing cellular communications to provide the data you need.


View field assets across your entire service area from the comfort of your head office.


Manage asssets proactively with advanced analytics and machine learning.

Superior Insights for Grid Monitoring

Building a More Resilient Grid

Municipalities, cooperatives and investor-owned utilities (IOUs) face the challenge of grid monitoring, managing infrastructure and maintaining many critical field assets—lighting poles, distribution transformers, and substations to name just a few. These resources must be operational and secure at all times. However, aging distribution infrastructure, large service areas, and environmental challenges make it increasingly difficult for utilities to meet customer’s expectations for reliable service.

Utilities need real-time visibility of field assets backed with data to effectively manage resources, optimize performance and work proactively to deliver superior customer value. Ubicquia is making all of this possible with its cutting-edge solutions.

Benefits of Ubicquia Solutions for Utilities

Better Asset Management

Manage critical assets, track age, usage, health and other variables to reduce costs, optimize performance and improve grid functionality.

Reduce Expensive Truck Rolls

Avoid the time, expense and disruption of dispatching crews by using remote sensing technology to keep assets functioning properly.

Increased Resilency

Get improved grid monitoring, minimize service interruptions and provide your customers with reliable power with a more resilient grid.

Why Choose Ubicquia for Grid Monitoring

Ubicquia helps Utilities control costs, optimize assets, and achieve energy reliability by providing cost-effective, scalable platforms for connectivity, asset management and grid monitoring. We are dedicated to making technology that is easy to install and affordable. Our products are compatible with more than 360 million streetlights and 500 million utility poles worldwide and they install in minutes. We are enabling Utlities to control lighting costs; accelerate 5G deployments; extend public WiFi; deliver video security services; and protect against grid failures.

What are the components of the UbiGrid platform?

UbiGrid is an integrated hardware/software solution platform that includes the distribution transformer monitor (DTM+), the transformer fault detector (TFD+), and the tilt and vibration monitor (TVM). These advanced sensors communicate over LTE to UbiVu, Ubicquia’s powerful asset management and monitoring platform.

The UbiGrid DTM+ monitors the grid edge, collecting critical data from the substation to the meter, including transformer health, primary current, secondary current, and voltage. This data is transmitted to the cloud, processed, and analyzed in UbiVu.

The UbiGrid TFD+ uses the technology foundation of the UbiGrid DTM+ to focus specifically on transformer health and safe reenergizing using connectivity and intelligence instead of a mechanical fault detection device.

What communications technology do your UbiGrid products use?

Ubicquia utilizes commercial LTE communications and secures our connection through layered cryptography. We segment our traffic within the LTE network using an APN (Access Point Name) with AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) 256 encryption. The MQTTS (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport Secure) connections within the APN are separately encrypted using TLS (Transport Layer Security). MQTT is a lightweight messaging protocol commonly used in Internet of Things (IoT) applications, and MQTTS adds a layer of security by incorporating TLS and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption.

What sizes and types of transformers does the UbiGrid DTM+ work with?

The UbiGrid DTM+ was designed to work with distribution transformers of various kVA ratings. Multiple configurations are supported for single-phase or pole-mounted transformers and three-phase (loop and radial) pad-mounted and pole-mounted transformers. Contact a sales representative in your area to find the configuration that matches your needs.

What grid insights does the UbiGrid DTM+ provide? How do I get them?

The UbiGrid DTM+ provides insights into measured values for currents, voltages, pressure, temperature, and location and utilizes powerful analytics and algorithms to detect transformer behaviors that may lead to undesired events. This data can be accessed primarily via the UbiVu UI or APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), which allow integration with other utility systems such as OMS.

What’s the difference between the UbiGrid DTM+ and UbiGrid TFD+?

The main difference is the cable kit used for the UbiGrid TFD+ solution. Both UbiGrid products have DTM+ at their core, but TFD+ comprises a DTM+ paired with a Cable kit to detect Secondary Voltage, Pressure, and Temperature.

How do the UbiGrid DTM+ and TFD+ attach to transformers?

They are both attached to transformers in the same way through magnets.

How do I see the data collected? Can I set thresholds for alerts?

Everything is viewed and configured via the UbiVu user interface and is accessible using standard Internet connections. Within UbiVu, a user can configure thresholds for multiple alerts, which, when triggered, can notify you via email or SMS of an alert event.

What can you offer in terms of NOC services?

Ubicquia’s Services organization and our Network Operations Center provide a broad range of monitoring services across all our product lines on a 24/7 basis. For our UbiGrid DTM+, our network operations center can monitor all aspects of grid health delivered through various reports. We have a specific monitoring service for power quality and three monitoring capabilities and reporting tiers. Contact us to learn how our network operations team can help you with grid reliability.

What types of reports do you offer? 

Our data scientists are continually updating the analytics and insights capabilities of our UbiGrid platform, including the correlation of outside data such as weather. We currently offer over a dozen specific reports, covering topics ranging from transformer health to power quality and vegetation encroachment. One of our representatives would be happy to tell you more about our reporting capabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions
Want to Make the World Smarter, Safer, and More Connected?

Connect with us to learn more about using your existing infrastructure to accelerate 5G deployments, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve public safety, and build a more resilient grid.